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Hydromatik bomba hidráulica A11VLO 130 - 260 serie 10

Go to serie 40


The different sizes of the Hydromatik hydraulic pump A11VLO 130 - 260 at a glance:

  • A11VLO 130
  • A11VLO 145
  • A11VLO 190
  • A11VLO 260


The different control devices of the Hydromatik hydraulic pump A11VLO:

LR = Power Control

Power Control with override:
LR.C = cross Sensing, negativ
LR3 = high-pressure related, negative
LG1 = pilot-pressure related, negative
LG2 = pilot-pressure related, positive
LE1 = electric, U = 12 V, negativ
LE2 = electric, U = 24 V, negativ

Power Control with pressure cut-off:
L.D.. = Power Control with pressure cut-off
L.E.. = Power Control with pressure cut-off hydraulic 2-stage
L..G. = Power Control with pressure cut-off hydraulic, remote controlled

Power Control with load sensing:
L…S = Power Control with load sensing
L…S2 = Power Control with load sensing elektric prop. override, 24 V
L…S5 = Power Control with load sensing hydraulic, remote conrolled

Power Control with stroke limiter:
L…H1 = negative characteristic, ∆p = 25 bar
L…H5 = negative characteristic, ∆p = 10 bar
L…H2 = positive characteristic, ∆p = 25 bar
L…H6 = positive characteristic, ∆p = 10 bar
L…U1 = positive characteristic, U = 12 V
L…U2 = positive characteristic, U = 24 V

Pressure Control:
DR = Pressure Control
DRS = Pressure Control with load sensing
DRG = Pressure Control remote controlled
DRL = Pressure Control for parallel operation

Hydraulic control, pilot-pressure related:
HD1 = (positive characteristic), ∆p = 10 bar
HD2 = (positive characteristic), ∆p = 25 bar
HD.D = with pressure cut-off
HD.G = with pressure cut-off, remote controlled

Electric control, with proportional solenoid:
EP1 = (positive characteristic), U = 12 V
EP2 = (positive characteristic), U = 24 V
EP.D = with pressure cut-off
EP.G = with pressure cut-off, remote control


Ordering code example:

A11V | L | O | 130 | LR | 1 | 0 | R | N | Z | D | 12 | N00 | P


Ordering code for standard program:

A11V = Axial piston unit
L = Charge pump (impeller)
O = Operation
130 = Size
LR = Control unit
1 = Series
0 = Index
R = Direction of rotation
N = Seals
Z = Shaft end
D = Mounting flange
12 = Service line ports
N00 = Through drive


Hydromatik Hydraulikpumpe A11VLO 145 - 280 serie 40

Go to serie 10


The different sizes of the Hydromatik hydraulic pump A11VLO 145 - 280 at a glance:

  • A11VLO 145
  • A11VLO 175
  • A11VLO 210
  • A11VLO 280


The different control devices of the Hydromatik hydraulic pump A11VLO 145 - 280:

LR = Power controller, fixed setting

Power controller with electric-proportional override:
L3 = negative characteristic, U = 12 V
L4 = negative characteristic, U = 24 V

Summation power controller with hydraulic -proportional override, high pressure, negativec characteristic:
CR = with stop
PR = without stop

Stroke control:
E1 = electric-proportional, positive characteristic, U = 12 V
E2 = electric-proportional, positive characteristic, U = 24 V
H3 = hydraulic proportional, pilot pressure, negative characteristic, ∆p = 25 bar
H4 = hydraulicproportional, pilot pressure, positive characteristic, ∆p = 25 bar

Pressure controller:
DR = with one-side swiveling, fixed setting


Ordering code example:

A11V | LO | 145 | LR | DR | E1 | S0 | A | 0 | 0 | 40 | M | R | V | D4 | T1 | 1 | E | U000 | 0 | 0


Ordering code for standard program:

A11V = axial piston pump
LO = operation mode
145 = size
LR = controller
DR = additional controller: pressure controller
E1 = additional controller: stroke control
S0 = additional controller: load sensing
A = without external control pressure supply (standard for power and pressure controllers)
0 = without solenoid connector
0 = without swivel angle sensor
40 = series
M = metric  port threads with O-ring seal
R = direction of rotation
V = seals
D4 = mounting flanges
T1 = drive shafts
1 = service line ports
E = rotary group versions
U000 = Through drives
0 = sensors
0 = Standard-/special version


We would be pleased to maintain your hydraulic units!


Sascha Kastaun,
Ventas internacionales

+49 201.8 58 13-27
E-Mail: kastaun@hk-hydraulik.de
Formulario de contacto

Langenberger Str. 436
D - 45277 Essen



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