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Hydromatik A8VO 55 - 200 pompa hydrauliczna


All sizes of the Hydromatik hydraulic pump A8VO 55 - 200 at a glance::

  • A8VO 55
  • A8VO 80
  • A8VO 107
  • A8VO 140
  • A8VO 200


The different control devices of the Hydromatik hydraulic pump A8VO at a glance:

Individual power controller without power override:
LA0H2 = with hydraulic. stroke limiter, positive control and external pilot pressure supply
LA0S = with load sensing

Individual power controller without power override, with hydraulic power coupling:
LA0KS = with load sensing
LA0KH1 = with hydraulic stroke limiter, negative control
LA0KH2 = with hydraulic stroke limiter, positive control and external pilot pressure supply
LA0KH3 = with hydraulic stroke limiter, negative control and external pilot pressure supply

Individual power controller with power override by pilot pressure:
LA1H2 = with hydraulic stroke limiter, positive control and external pilot pressure supply
LA1S = with load sensing

Individual power controller with power override by pilot pressure, with hydraulic power coupling:
LA1KS = with load sensing
LA1KH1 = with hydraulic stroke limiter, negative control
LA1KH2 = with hydraulic stroke limiter, positive control and external pilot pressure supply
LA1KH3 = with hydraulic stroke limiter, negative control and external pilot pressure supply

Electric adjustment:
EP = with proportional Solenoid (positive control), U = 24V


Ordering code example:

A8V | O | 55 | LA0H2 | 61 | R | 1 | N | Z | G | 05 | K00


Ordering code for standard program:

A8V = Axial piston unit
O = Operation mode
55 = Size
LA0H2 = Control device
61 = Series
R = Direction of rotation
1 = Gear ratio
N = Seals
Z = Shaft end
G = Mounting flange
05 = Service line port
K00 = Auxiliary pump


We would be pleased to maintain your hydraulic units.


Sascha Kastaun,
Dystrybucja międzynarodowa

+49 201.8 58 13-27
Formularz kontaktowy

Langenberger Str. 436
D - 45277 Essen