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Hydromatik A2V 12 – 107 pompa hydrauliczna


The different sizes of the Hydromatik hydraulic pump A2V 12 – 107 at a glance:

A2V 12
A2V 28
A2V 55
A2V 107

The different control devices of the Hydromatik hydraulic pump A2V 12 – 107 at a glance:
OV = Without control
MA = Manual control
GE = Float arm control
EL = Electric control
HM = Hydraulic control, control volume dependent
HD = Hydraulic control, pilot pressure dependent
HW = Hydraulic control, stroke dependent


Ordering code example:

A2V | 12 | OV | G | R | 1 | G | 0 | 0 | P


Ordering code for standard program:

A2V = Axial piston unit
12   = Size
OV  = Control device
G    = Kind of Circuit
R    = Direction of rotation
1    = Series
G    = Configuration
0    = Valve assembly
0    = Booster pump
P    = Shaft end


We would be pleased to maintain your hydraulic units.


Sascha Kastaun,
Dystrybucja międzynarodowa

+49 201.8 58 13-27
Formularz kontaktowy

Langenberger Str. 436
D - 45277 Essen